
No one wants to spend time and money copying and pasting data from company filings and disclosures. But if you need to make sense of the numbers, there’s never been another way—until now.

With idaciti, you’ll search and analyze more than 10 million footnotes and company disclosures and nearly one million filings from over 20,000 companies and banks. Browse up to 11 years of history, for 5,000+ financial measures—with one-click tracebacks to the source.

And because idaciti makes data compilation simpler, you and your team can dig deeper.

Simplify the process of obtaining insights you can rely on. And quickly learn not just what the numbers are and where they came from—but what they mean. Spend your time making strategic decisions, not collecting data.

Industry: Software Development
Headquarters: New York
Type: For Profit
Email: [email protected]
Founder: Christine Tan, Emily Huang